Welcome to Up Duck’s documentation!


this is a documentation site for both UP Deck and Up Duck

Up Duck is a re-write of Up Deck on godot engine. This is done for various reasons among them:

  • Up Deck is written in such a way that makes it hard to extend.

  • The mobile app (Corona/Solar2d) and server (Love2d) are written in different engines.

Godot offers some solution to the last one, in that It can target HTML5, Android, iOS, Win, Mac, and Linux all from the same codebase.

Why a game engine? The portability is a large portion, but it also solves some other ancillary problems, reactive UX and sound. Godot handles the reactive UX very well and has a large number of builtins that make it easy to provide the same interface that handles scaling, and porting well, this was lacking from Love2d, which is likely why the app was written in Solar2d instead. The sound system while built in in Love2d is also primitive, and without a handful of third-party plugins it would be difficult to provide as many effects as are possible out of the box in Godot.

The drawback? Like Love2d, Godot requires a video card, specifically a driver capable of OpenGL ES 2.0. Basically anything from 2008 onward should easily support this. This functionally should exclude some Virtual Machines (VMs) that don’t offer a fully featured graphics driver (Azure VPS instances appear to fall in this group), but then again you probably want a graphics chipset to do video encoding anyway.


Up through version 1, we will not be modifying anything to make it fundamentally incompatible with Up Deck. There may be new commands created, but the deck format, and client/server structure won’t be changed in breaking ways. In this way, you can rely on the docs here as an add-on to the existing Up Deck docs. Additionally, we will mark documents that only apply to Up Duck.

Working with commands

Indices and tables