
In some cases you may have problems getting started, here are some more materials to help.

I can’t connect connect my mobile and computer

This frequently occurs due to the complexity of home networking.

Your WiFi router can be part of the problem.

If your computer is wired, check that your router allows connections between the wired and wireless connections.

If you computer is wireless, check that your router allows connections between wireless connections.

If you mobile and computers are on different spectrums (5Ghz, 3Ghz) (radios), check that your router allows connections between them, or switch to the same spectrum.

Your mobile device may be part of the problem

Due to variance in devices, and customization by vendors, or even carriers, it’s not possible to tell you if your device has a setting like these, or exactly where you might find it.

Android “speed boost”: Some mobile devices with cellular and WiFi are configured with a split acceleration or settings intended to make downloads faster, this works by using both connections, which in our case can prevent connections in the first place or cause them to randomly drop out.

Android “Switch to mobile data”: If you device detects that your signal is weak or otherwise poor, it may try to automatically switch back to cellular data, this can prevent initial connections or interrupt on-going connections.

If your having problems connecting on a mobile with cellular, and can’t find one of theses settings, its advisable to disable the cellular radio, this can often be done by putting the device into airplane mode and turning the WiFi radio back on.s

Your computer may be part of the problem

You could have a firewall and blocking the connection to the port.

In Windows 8 / 10, this can also be due to the network interface not being in “private” or “home” network modes, when in “public” the firewall restricts far more traffic and can be blocking you connection attempts